Nancy Lowrey
Tribe: Poarch Creek Band of Indians

Nancy Lowrey is an enrolled member of the Poarch Band of Creek Indians and the founding partner of FS Advisors, Inc., FSA Risk & Benefits, LLC, FSA TPA, LLC and FSA Investment Group, LLC. As founding partner, she brings over twenty years of experience in the financial services industry. Additionally, Nancy is a registered investment advisor and a licensed insurance agent. Her firms provide investment management, finance, benefits administration and insurance services exclusively to Native American tribes.
Prior to establishing FSA in 2005, Nancy was a partner of Financial Solutions, Inc., a financial services company that provided investment and insurance services to high-net-worth individuals and small business owners. Nancy has worked in various areas of bank management and as Economic Development Planner for the Poarch Band of Creek Indians. She also had the honor of serving as a Tribal Council Member for her Tribe and as a Board Member of the PCI Gaming Authority.